ESP32 - RTOS - Serial I/O
This tutorial instructs you how to use RTOS with ESP32 to make a project that include Serial I/O and control heap memory
Video Tutorial
you can watch this video tutorial
Hardware Required
1 | × | ESP-WROOM-32 Dev Module | |
1 | × | Micro USB Cable |
About tnis project
Using FreeRTOS, create two separate tasks. One listens for input over UART (from the Serial Monitor). Upon receiving a newline character ('\n'), the task allocates a new section of heap memory (using pvPortMalloc()) and stores the string up to the newline character in that section of heap. It then notifies the second task that a message is ready.
The second task waits for notification from the first task. When it receives that notification, it prints the message in heap memory to the Serial Monitor. Finally, it deletes the allocated heap memory (using vPortFree()).
please review our tutorials about RTOS and SerialInputOutput
ESP32 Code
// Use only core 1 for demo purposes #if CONFIG_FREERTOS_UNICORE static const BaseType_t app_cpu = 0; #else static const BaseType_t app_cpu = 1; #endif // Settings static const uint8_t buf_len = 255; // Globals static char *msg_ptr = NULL; static volatile uint8_t msg_flag = 0; //***************************************************************************** // Tasks // Task: read message from Serial buffer void readSerial(void *parameters) { char c; char buf[buf_len]; uint8_t idx = 0; // Clear whole buffer memset(buf, 0, buf_len); // Loop forever while (1) { // Read cahracters from serial if (Serial.available() > 0) { c =; // Store received character to buffer if not over buffer limit if (idx < buf_len - 1) { buf[idx] = c; idx++; } // Create a message buffer for print task if (c == '\n') { // The last character in the string is '\n', so we need to replace // it with '\0' to make it null-terminated buf[idx - 1] = '\0'; // Try to allocate memory and copy over message. If message buffer is // still in use, ignore the entire message. if (msg_flag == 0) { msg_ptr = (char *)pvPortMalloc(idx * sizeof(char)); // If malloc returns 0 (out of memory), throw an error and reset configASSERT(msg_ptr); // Copy message memcpy(msg_ptr, buf, idx); // Notify other task that message is ready msg_flag = 1; } // Reset receive buffer and index counter memset(buf, 0, buf_len); idx = 0; } } } } // Task: print message whenever flag is set and free buffer void printMessage(void *parameters) { while (1) { // Wait for flag to be set and print message if (msg_flag == 1) { Serial.println(msg_ptr); // Give amount of free heap memory (uncomment if you'd like to see it) // Serial.print("Free heap (bytes): "); // Serial.println(xPortGetFreeHeapSize()); // Free buffer, set pointer to null, and clear flag vPortFree(msg_ptr); msg_ptr = NULL; msg_flag = 0; } } } //***************************************************************************** // Main (runs as its own task with priority 1 on core 1) void setup() { // Configure Serial Serial.begin(115200); // Wait a moment to start (so we don't miss Serial output) vTaskDelay(1000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS); Serial.println(); Serial.println("---FreeRTOS Heap Demo---"); Serial.println("Enter a string"); // Start Serial receive task xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(readSerial, "Read Serial", 1024, NULL, 1, NULL, app_cpu); // Start Serial print task xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(printMessage, "Print Message", 1024, NULL, 1, NULL, app_cpu); // Delete "setup and loop" task vTaskDelete(NULL); } void loop() { // Execution should never get here }
Quick Steps
- power up your board
- Open Arduino IDE
- Select the right board
- Select the right port
- Copy the above code and open with Arduino IDE
- Click Upload button on Arduino IDE to upload code to ESP32
- See the changes you made
Book Tutorial
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See Also
Some components works on 3.3v and others works on 5v!